
To preserve and educate on Chicano/Xicana/Indigenous/Latinx/Afro-Latinx art, culture, health and wellbeing, social justice, and environmental consciousness on Turtle Island and beyond.
Statement from the Tonantzin Society
August 12, 2024
Since October 7, 2023, Palestinians have been under relentless barrage by the Zionist State of Israel. Estimates of the deaths of Palestinians range from 40,000 to 180,000. Most likely we will never officially know. The deaths are of babies, young children, elder men and women. These and more are innocent civilians and should never be victims of what is being called a “war” between Hamas and Israel. In addition to the brutal bombings, water wells are being destroyed, Zionists are burning and razing Palestinian houses so new Jewish settlements can be constructed, olive trees are being burned (estimates since 1967 reflect over 800,000 have been destroyed).
Part of our mission statement is committed to social justice, human rights and equity for all – especially the most historically marginalized. None of us are free until we ALL are free. Yes, colonialism is part of the destructive narrative – yet too we MUST look at our individual woundings and shadow we put out in the world. In many ways the horrific violence Israeli officials are waging does have to do with their own traumas as individuals and a people. They too are broken and wounded BUT with the power and might to cause intense levels of suffering toward the “enemy.” If we are not aware of the ebbs and flows – the light and the darkness that comes with being human – all is often focused outwards. This lack of consciousness plays out from familial relationships to global relationships. At this critical point in history, where Mother Earth is wounded, our consciousness is wounded and old systems break down – we are tasked with learning new ways.
Below are links we have found useful to learn more on the conflict raging in the Middle East. It is so important to contact your elected officials to tell them to STOP the genocide. We have also listed helpful links in dealing with our own individual wounds. Remember we are part of this ensouled world. Blessings to you and yours on the 12th day of August. Get involved in your communities wherever they may be. Lean in and take care.
Con Cariño,
Tonantzin Society
Where Olive Trees Weep
The Tonantzin Society hosted a powerful collective viewing online followed by a debrief of this documentary with the Executive Producer, Ashira Darwish. To find out how you can take action, or to view the documentary, you can go to:
For us, and beyond ourselves.
Additionally, we focus on crucial topics taking place across the Americas.
"Remember you live in a community. You have a responsibility to be accountable to your family and your community as well as yourself."
- Cherri Moraga
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